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Relationship Advice

There are many competent marriage counselors you should visit prior to taking your vows. There are also many books on marriage you should read before you walk down the aisle. Ten Promises is one of those books. Any preparation for your journey with a partner, if you implement what you learn, should help your odds for a successful marriage, not just one that lasts a lifetime, but one that last a lifetime filled with boundless joy and satisfaction. If you are already married, regardless of the number of years, you can still learn the secrets to a joyful, happy sustainable relationship. You just need to make the effort.

What you learn through preparation and Ten Promises is your wife must experience joy in the relationship and she must feel special and safe in your marital environment. If she cannot find joy in the marriage, if she never feels special (or not often enough) she will eventually become frustrated and then perhaps seek what she feels is missing in the arms of another. It is your responsibility to create an environment where your wife feels loved, finds joy, feels safe and most importantly, feels special.

It is very difficult for your relationship to run aground
if your wife's joy is the centerpiece of your relationship.

There is no guarantee in any relationship, but there are steps you can take to improve your odds. If you truly love your wife, make every effort to show her how special she is to you. If you truly love your wife, you cannot fail in this attempt. If you do, the pain you will suffer from a failing marriage is beyond description. It is a pain I hope you never experience. It is a pain that has taken the breath away from some.

Below are a few steps you can take to show your wife your love and devotion:

  1. Remember special days – birthdays, anniversaries.
  2. Tell her how beautiful she is, often.
  3. Spend time with her doing the things she enjoys.
  4. Take her out on dates.
  5. Send her cards or notes.
  6. Make time for her every day to discuss her every day issues.

When your wife wants to spend time with you always remember, if she did not love you, she would not want to be near you.